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His sweet virgin - S01 E42

Story 1 month ago

His sweet virgin - S01 E42

Read Story: SEASON 1 EPISODE 42

Raphael was consoling the farmer whose house got burnt when one of his men ran towards him.

“Some men raided your quarters and injured Bluey and also, they’ve taken Sephy” He said.

On hearing that Raphael took to his heels, heading to his quarters when he stopped.

“What’s wrong boss?” The guard who came to inform him asked.

“If it happened now then they would be trying to leave and there’s only one entrance into the den. Give me your gun” He ordered and that got him complying.

“Get my car and some men, meet me at the entrance. We must stop them from taking Sephy no matter what” Raphael said before heading towards the entrance on foot.

The entrance was quite far from their residence and knowing a short route, Raphael decided to take it.

He got to the entrance on time only to see a black car driving by.

Targeting the wheels, he shot the first and second which got the car screeching to a halt.

As soon as the door opened and the first man came out.

Raphael got out of his hiding place and shot him.

He was almost at the car when another man began shooting at him.

He hid behind a tree as he kept shooting until he shot him on the head.

On getting to the car, he saw Sephy sleeping in the car while the last man pointed a gun on her head.

“It’s either I leave or she dies” he threatened.

“Drop your gun!” The man yelled pushing the gun on Sephy’s head.

Knowing that a situation like this could end up in a disastrous way, Raphael chose to put his gun down.

“It’s out of my hand, so get away from her!” Raphael yelled at him.

“A deal is a deal” the man said turning to run off but he got shot on the leg by one of Raphael men.

Raphael let out a sigh of relief when his men arrived on time.

Getting into the car, he got the sleeping Sephy out of the car and back to their room.


“F**ck you all” Don yelled as he push off the things on his desk.

“I hope am not a part of who you are referring that to?” The person with him asked.

“You are! You are mainly at fault. I sent you to Raphael’s Den to spy on him and get me info and yet, I keep on failing and now that I want a girl from his den you can’t seem to do a thing!” Don yelled.

“I did my part in all this. Blame the incompetent fool who couldn’t get her out of the den on time”

“Bluey!” Don called hitting the desk in anger and that got her starring at him.

“Why are you shouting out my name?”

“Having stayed with Raphael you are no longer scared of me right?” Don asked.

“I am scared, infact I am scared of you right now but I know that you won’t do a thing to me cause am the only one who can help you get what you want. So think twice before pointing a gun at me” Bluey said which calmed Don a little.

“You shouldn’t be worried about Sephy. What you should be worried about now is your guard who is currently locked up by Raphael ” Bluey let out in anger.

“I heard he was shot on the leg” Raphael asked.

“Yes. If he gets to be questioned by Raphael, he will spill out the truth about me and you. We need to look for a way to stop him ” Bluey replied.

“The only way left now is to kill him, so you go back to the den and finish him before they question him” Don Ordered……

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His Sweet Virgin - S01 E41

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His Sweet Virgin - S01 E43

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