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Unfortunate Love - S01 E71

Story 9 months ago

Unfortunate Love - S01 E71

Read Story: Unfortunate Love On Zeeworld, Thursday 12th January 2023 Update

We start the episode with Malishka crying sitting at Kiran’s bedside asking her to open her eyes for her. Rishi comes there and sees her crying. He goes and sits on the chair outside. Nurse asks him to bring medicines. He goes. Malishka gets up and goes. Ashish tells Sonal that he will leave. Sonal hugs him. He is about to go, when Malishka comes and hits rod on his head. She hits him again. Ashish holds her hand and asks how dare you to hit me. Malishka says you will bear the same feeling as my Mom. Ashish says if you was not Sonal’s friend then I would have shown you. Malishka blames Ashish and then Sonal. She is about to hit Sonal with her hand when Ashish holds her hand and asks her not to do this. Sonal tries to make her understand that everything happened in a hurry,

Balloon came and then aunty. Rishi brings the medicine and looks inside. He doesn’t see Malishka there. Sonal asks Ashish to bring water and asks Malishka if they will do this with Aunty. Malishka refuses to drink water. Sonal says we are your wellwisher and you are blaming us. Rishi comes inside and asks Nurse about Malishka. Nurse says she doesn’t know. Rishi thinks where did she go leaving Aunty. Sonal tells Malishka that Ashish would have taken her life for raising her hand on her, but he didn’t as they are her well wisher. She says Aunty’s accident happened because of Lakshmi and not because of us.

She says Aunty had come to save her. Malishka says she came to know about our plan. Ashish says that means that she is at Lakshmi’s side. Malishka says you fool, she had gone there to save me, thinking I will get jailed. Sonal says Aunty knows that we did it, it is confirmed. She asks if she told anyone. Malishka says she will not tell. Ashish says if she tells. Sonal says Aunty will not say, if she takes our name then we will take Malishka’s name, so relax.

Ayush tells Lakshmi that there is something wrong with this, and tells that the car was on full speed, why it was near the footpath. He says the car driver doesn’t know that Kiran aunty will come suddenly infront of the car. He says the car might want to hit you and not Kiran aunty. Rishi looks at Kiran and thinks where did Malishka go? Neelam calls Rishi and asks about Kiran. Rishi says she didn’t come in her senses till now. Neelam asks him to take care of Malishka and asks how is she? Rishi says she is not here. Neelam says I will come there and asks him to be there. Lakshmi says me? She says for my accident, and says I don’t think that anyone will want to do my accident, says you are thinking wrong. Ayush says ok, if you are saying so. She tells that Malishka was crying badly,

she is her mother and says she knows the pain of losing parents. She cries thinking about her parents’ death. She says I bear this pain and don’t want Malishka to bear this pain. Ayush says you are the only Lakshmi and that Malishka and Kiran have hatred for you and thinks bad about you, blamed you for kidnapping and taunts you so much, but you are worrying for Kiran Aunty and malishka. He says you are just one, nothing will happen to Kiran aunty. Rishi still wonders where is Malishka. Malishka returns after politely threatened by Sonal. She asks Rishi what they shall do if their loved ones commit a sin, then if they shall leave them or get them punished. Rishi says sin is sin, and the guilty shall be punished.

Ashish tells Sonal that nothing shall happen to them. He goes. Sonal thinks she shall do something which she don’t want to. Rishi asks if you knows who did the accident. Malishka says I know. Rishi says I will call Police so that you can inform them.

Malishka recalls and a fb is shown, Ashish tells Sonal that Malishka would benefit with the plan. Malishka says I was involved, but it was for Lakshmi and you tried to kill my Mom. Sonal says it was an accident and asks what I will get by harming aunty. Ashish asks her to go and tell Police, but we had planned to kill Lakshmi, it was Malishka’s plan. Malishka gets angry. Sonal says we can separate Rishi from Lakshmi, and asks her to tell Police that Lakshmi pushed Aunty deliberately infront of the car. She says you shall say that you are eye witness. Malishka asks how we will prove? Sonal asks her to decide if she wants to win. Malishka asks what will I tell if Police asks what was her motive. Sonal says revenge, as Lakshmi hates her and is jealous. She asks her to tell that Lakshmi wanted to seek her revenge from Kiran. fb ends.

Rishi tells Malishka that Police is coming and says you shall tell them now. Neelam comes there and asks where did you go. She gives her strength and asks why you was silent. She says I will punish the guilty punished. Rishi says I will send that person to jail for all life. Neelam says just tell her name. Malishka asks really, if you will support me. Neelam says yes and says I will not forgive. Malishka says I don’t know how to say. Neelam says I will see how to get the guilty punished. Rishi asks her to tell the name. Lakshmi thinks if Ayush was right, if this is what Priyanka said. Shalu comes there and asks why you are worried. Lakshmi tells about Kiran’s accident. Shalu says everything will be fine, we will pray to Baba ji for Kiran aunty. She asks about Rishi. Lakshmi says he is with Malishka, circumstances is such, he shall be with her. She goes to bring juice for her. Shalu thinks she doesn’t trust Malishka. The Inspector asks Rishi. Rishi says she is Malishka, Kiran Aunty’s daughter. Malishka says sorry Rishi, now I have to tell Police. She says as Neelam aunty and you are with me, I shall tell the Police. They ask why you are sorry. The Inspector asks her to tell. Malishka says I was away and by the time, I reach there that person….She hugs Neelam and cries. Neelam asks whom you have seen. Malishka says that person was Lakshmi. Rishi is shocked.

Rishi is sitting with Lakshmi in the bank, she asks where do they have to sign, Rishi picks up the pen, thy both stare into each other’s eyes, he opens it for Lakshmi so she starts signing when Rishi thinks he knows that she got emotional when Yogesh took the name of his father so why is she so nice, the employee exclaims he just needs another document, Shalu immediately takes her bag going with employee, Lakshmi starts laughing when Rishi comments she looks nice when she is smiling.

The robbers enter the bank through the back gate and they pass by the office where Malishka is sitting, they boss manages to turn off the camera, he calls his men wondering where are they but the men say they are still stuck in traffic, the boss scolds them questioning why did they not lave early, he then starts calling Shipra since they need to be stopped, Shipra answers the call, he orders her to not take any action since the rest of their men are stuck in traffic, Mahesh advises they should leave to get the items in the locker when she says that the boss is Arjun as he has planned everything so until he gives the orders they cannot do anything.

Ayush asks his mother to check the papers as he has signed them, she replies she is surely going to sign after checking them, he gets tensed questioning if she doesnot trust him when she explains that she has a lot of experience in such legal matters and it is nice to double check them, Ayush gets up to leave saying he will come back in a while, Karishma questions why is the manager smiling since she is opening a locker in his bank so he should stop smiling.

Rishi says he would not apologize since he was telling the truth that she looks nice when smiling, she asks him to stop it all when he questions what has changed since she used to like when he passed such comments, Lakshmi questions there is nothing like before and he should stop acting, she leaves to get water when he follows her questioning why does she not forget what happened between them as she sometimes says they can forget it all but is the one who still remembers him, she says it all because all that existed in the past was real for her but he moved on so easily, she tries to leave but he stops her asking what problem does she have, she questions if he has a heart, Rishi exclaims she can decide it, he accepts he is the one who made the mistake but even Malishka remains angry with him since when she left he is constantly thinking about her, she says he should stop thinking about her and be honest to someone, Rishi exclaims he doesnot know what is going on since he is not able to live properly and feels suffocated, he doesnot know the reason, Lakshmi replies she can tell him because he is the one who caused pain to others so how can he live in peace, Rishi tries to walk away saying he is glad she once again made him feel suffocated, however her dupatta gets stuck in his watch, she pulls her hand away when he also throws the chain away, Lakshmi thinks she is not the one who made him the evil but he is the one who wronged her even when she vowed to live the next seven generations with him but what has he done to her that she cannot see herself with him, she questions what has he done to her.

Shalu calls Bani informing that she forgot the red document so might have to come back, she bumps into Ayush and he kneels to pick it up, he is shocked to see Shalu so picks the mobile, she takes it to leave but then he snatches it explaining this is his mobile when he questions if she is still angry with him, Shalu thanks him saying that she feels really good that he cared so much for her sister but is still angry because he knew the truth about Melishka but did not tell them anything, she thanks him which worries him so he asks the reason, she explains it is because he helped them reveal the true face of their aunt and ebcu8ase of that Lakshmi was proved innocent, even when both her and Rishi have gone their separate ways, there is no confusion that she is a selfish or greedy person. Ayush asks if they have become friends but Shalu refuses saying she is still angry with him but not that much, he gets excited mentioning it is fine with him, she leaves snatching her mobile, he starts calling her all the names but doesnot know what was she doing in the bank, he sees Rishi so stops her asking what is he doing here, Rishi also questions the same when Ayush informs that he came with his mother but why is Rishi so sad, he says it is the same reason, Ayush exclaims Malishka once again suspected that he still remembers Lakshmi.

Lakshmi sitting on the chair thinks how the employees at the bank inquired if she is the wife of Rishi, but she refused however was forced to open a joint account, she questions why Mata Rani causes them both to face each other when she only wants to forget Rishi but is only thinking about him even when she wants to forget him.

Rishi throwing the bag sits down on the bench, Ayush comes to sit beside him when Rishi exclaims that he is really smart as this time it is not the reason and he is really angry with Lakshmi since she is always fighting with him for all the wrong reasons, she is not listening to him and considers him to be the devil in her life, Ayush says he has hurt her and made a mistake, Rishi questions what about him, since he was also hurt but why does no one see it, Ayush sitting in front of Rishi mentions he knows that his brother is a really nice person but it is time for Lakshmi Bhabhi to also know it, how can this happen if he doesnot say it to her, Rishi says whenever he tries to talk with her she only gets angry, he even brought a card for her, Ayush gets excited when Rishi mentions he went to bring a card for Malishka but then saw something which he felt Lakshmi would like, he wrote his feelings in the card, Ayush advises Rishi to go and talk with her otherwise nothing would be sorted, Rishi agrees to give the card to Lakshmi but not today since she is angry and might not even read it, he rushes to give Malishka her card but pushes Ayush so he falls, Ayush exclaims he must not worry about him since he can balance himself.

Shalu comes running and tips over Ayush, he gets scared seeing her so quickly starts picking the papers, she exclaims that he tends to ruin the thing so much that she cannot correct them, she says that he first hit her and her phone dropped but then gave her his mobile, she asks for her mobile and leaves with it. Ayush seeing the card runs after her, giving it to her but she gets really angry seeing it so questions how did he dare give her this card, Ayush doesnot understand what she means, she questions why did he propose to her on Valentines, he also gets frustrated so says he will never propose her as she is a mission impossible, he receives a call from Rishi, who asks if he has seen a red card where they both met, Ayush thinks that Rishi was saying he got a card for Lakshmi so he refuses to have it, Rishi thinks where could have it gone since he got a love card for Malishka and another apology card for Lakshmi.

Ayush going to Shalu tries to explain that he gave her the card but it doesnot belong to him, and was not meant for her, he doesnot understand why is he talking like this, so clearly informs Shalu that the card is meant for Lakshmi Bhabhi from Rishi bhai, Shalu gets excited, Ayush says that he like always went to Lakshmi but she scolded him and so he was not able to give it her, Shalu apologizes to Ayush because she said a lot of bad things to him, when he agrees to forgive her only if she accepts to give this card to Lakshmi, she is hesitant when he pulls her to the room mentioning that it is a secret which should remain between them both, and he knows that Rishi bhai loves Lakshmi a lot but was not able to say it, Shalu exclaims that if this is the case then Rishi should have been the one when Ayush says that Rishi tried to give it to her but she did not accept it so he feels they both should be the one make sure that their love story starts once again, Shalu agrees take the card.

Shipra along with Mahesh reach the office floors, they colour the camera when she mentions they need to keep a low profile till the rest of the team members arrive, they hide when the bank manager leaves after receiving a call, Rishi rushes to the office but tips while entering, Malishka gets excited seeing the card and hugs him, she reads it out but Rishi informs that this card was for Lakshmi, she gets angry so questions how can he do this to her since he only gives her the card so why did he bring one for Lakshmi today, Rishi mentions he had also brought a card for her but lost it, he recalls how Ayush refused to accept that he found a card, he rushes while Malishka also follows him.

Shalu takes the card to Lakshmi mentioning since today is Valentines day so she has gotten a card, Lakshmi questions who would have sent a card for her, Shalu hesitantly informs that Rishi gave this card for her, Lakshmi is shocked.

Lakshmi asks Shalu who has given her a card, Shalu replies that jiju has given it for her as Ayush gave her the card and now Lakshmi should take it however she refuses mentioning she doesnot want to read it when she doesnot want to keep any relation with him, Shalu mentions how she feels he wants to apologize but Lakshmi insists saying that this is nothing small as he has wronged her for which she cannot forgive him, so Shalu must return the card.

Rishi is running to find the card while Malishka stops him from behind questioning where her card is, she says she did not expect this from him. Rishi asks her to stop this childish behaviour, she questions if she is acting like a child, he says then it would mean if she doesnot trust him when Malishka explains she has really stopped trusting him and even has a reason for it, Rishi reuqests her to stop talking like this since she is the only girl with whom he has been honest even when Lakshmi was with him in his room but yet she still refuses to trust him, Malishka asks him to prove her wrong and show the card when Rishi tries to assure that he had the card when Malishka mentions she can help him as the branch manager is the friend of her mother so can show all the recording, Rishi explains the card is with Ayush and if he gets it then would not even accept her sorry, she is tensed thinking Ayush is also in the branch.

Shalu recalls how Ayush informed that if Lakshmi reads the card then would also start talking with Rishi, however Shalu insists that she should read it since she is actually hurt with what Rishi did but if she reads it then might feel less pain in her wounds, however Lakshmi exclaims there is no point in these talks when Sahlu leaves putting the card, Lakshmi is about to pick it but wonders what is happening as she just wants to open the account.

Rishi asks Ayush if he is still in the bank when Ayush says he is on the top floor but is going to come to him, Malishka stops Rishi saying he must talk with her, Rishi says he feels she remembers Lakshmi more then him and he never compared her to Lakshmi but she is the one who does it, he says Lakshmi is the one who saved him and was honest with him when Malishka mentions she knows he is not and evil person but she has a problem with his good and honest heart, she assure she is going to protect him if anything happens, Malishka mentions that Lakshmi doesnot trust him when Rishi says that she did before the event when he was about to marry her, Malishka exclaims he should only think about them as they were before when Rishi explains he is really fed up with the madness and cannot bear it anymore, he vows to prove that hi feelings for her were true by finding the card, he leaves when Malishka hits her feet and exclaims this is really not done as she cannot understand Rishi or anything that is going on. The robber calls his men questioning where they have reached, he ends the call mentioning they are on their way to the bank, Ayush rushes out of the lift taking the balloons.

Lakshmi thinks she will not read it since when Rishi can lie on her face then whatever he has written on it would also be false so she throws it in the bin but is not able to leave wondering what is going on, she is not able to leave even when she doesnot want to read the card, Lakshmi turns back after walking a distance then comes back to pick the card from the bin, she thinks she is going to return it to Rishi without reading, he would then realize she is not like Malishka who likes all these things, she desired something else but if she did not get then there is no need for this card.

Malishka is entering the lift when the robbers bump into her, she questions if he is following her then says he should not even think of proposing her since she is getting married, the person replies she has a lot of misconception about her since he would never propose to her, she replies he is lucky to even look at a girl like her so must remain in his limits when the robber replies that the person who is going to marry her will be in a lot of trouble, if they meet then he would say he must not marry her, he is about to take out the gun but his accomplice stops him. when they go out he apologizes to the boss saying that they must not worry about her but the boss asks him to remember the face since they would shoot her.

Rishi calls Ayush questioning where he is and the card but Ayush tries to make an excuse when Rishi sees him from behind and questions where is the card since Malishka is really irritating him and he needs to give it back to her when Ayush replies that he gave it to Shalu to give it to Lakshmi, Malishka coming from behind questions what has he done, she says that he should go to bring it from Lakshmi when Rishi asks if she believes him now since he brought the card for her but now she is complaining about him, Malishka starts panicking saying the card meant for her but he gave it to Lakshmi so now she must return it to her however Rishi starts shouting saying it cannot happen, Ayush also asks him to not do it since this would be really humiliating for Lakshmi, Malishka leaves saying she is going to the cabin of the manager where Rishi can come. She leaves which worries both Ayush and Rishi.

Lakshmi is standing in front of the bank when the robbers enter< Malishka is also standing behind her but they do not bump into each other. Lakshmi walks towards the counter where see a girl crying, Lakshmi offers her help when the girl replies that it is her fault as she her husband proposed to her two years ago on Valentines day and she did not read the card so he asked for her answer when she said yes so he went away from her and even changed his contact number, when they met after a year she questioned why did he run away when they love each other so he informed it was written in the card would she be able to live away from him and she said yes, so it was just a mis understanding when her husband comes asking what happened so she says that she was just thinking about her memories, she leaves thanking Lakshmi. Lakshmi starts thinking how Rishi said he is just living on the belief of the truth and he mentioned he can only see her and desire to be Infront of her, so he can reveal what was in his heart, she holds the card.Rishi says to Ayush that even if he doesnot take the card from Lakshmi and she reads it even then she would not accept he is speaking the truth since she knows him really well but if she reads it then he would be proven a liar, there is nothing in his relationship with Lakshmi, Rishi says that Malishka said something true in their fight because if she gets in a trouble then he would save her which is what Lakshmi did as she was taught this in the village, he believes there is nothing like a relationship between him and Lakshmi but he cannot allow his relation with Malishka to suffer so is going to bring back the card.Lakshmi enters the waiting area, she picks the card walking to the corner with tears in her eyes, she starts reading how it says that with her arrival his has gotten better and his every breath desires to be with her, he can die for her every breath and she resides in his dreams and memories, and conversation, in fact she is the only one with him, he exclaimed I LOVE YOU, rishi comes to stand at the door calling Lakshmi. She is shocked that he actually came but doesnot believe it however he stunned when he is standing there, Rishi comes to stand in front of her but before he can say anything, she exclaims I LOVE YOU.Malishka enters the office in anger when the manager asks what has happened, she doesnot say anything when there is a knock on the door, she asks Yogesh to come inside, he mentions he wanted the sign of her on his twenty fifth couple account, she mentions he is going to be the best employee when Yogesh informs that Rishi Oberoi is opening an account with his wife Lakshmi, Malishka takes the file which worries the manager.Rishi refuses it saying he is sorry for it, Lakshmi mentions she said the tears come un announced and Shalu was mistaken and this card was meant for her, Rishi requests her to at least look at him while talking when Lakshmi says that she knows he doesnot love her and this card was never meant for her, Lakshmi turns to read the poetry when Rishi starts thinking about all the moments which he spent with Lakshmi, how she was always there to save her, when even he did all he could for her, he is not able to move while Lakshmi is crying reading the poetry, Rishi recalls how Lakshmi exclaimed that she loves him, he is seeing how Lakshmi is crying, she asks if he wrote it for Malishka, Rishi doesnot know what he should say, they both look to each other while Lakshmi is crying.

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